she was young, pure and kind. she was a girl in love. she was only 15 years old when she met him. he was her first. they were so in love everyone loved to just sit and watch them together. always holding hands when walking together, always giggling and smiling it was love. everyone believed it was love.
She fell pregnant during the last year of high school. It was really hard for her as she knew she wouldn't be able to go to prom with her friends as they had been planning all year. She was crushed at the worry of never going to college after graduation but whe she told him he was very support and excited about the baby. He promised her that they would get married and he would work while she studied part time and looked after the baby at home.

Everything went very well after she had given birth to a healthy beautiful baby boy. at the beginning of the new year he had to go and find a job while she stayed home to look after the baby. they had panned to get married as soon as they had enough money saved up. The first few months went very well. The young couple spoke every day in the morning and night. the baby daddy sent money home every end of the month. It seemed like everything was in place.
The relationship was stronger. everything was amazing they even went ahead a planned the wedding they had been talking about. while busy with the wedding plans the young mother kept hearing news about her fiance seeing other women he was working with. he only came back home once a month as he was working far, she didn't know how to approach him as nothing had changed. She went ahead with the wedding plans ignoring all the romours about her husband to be.
On the week of the wedding, he ringed the apartment where they were staying "baby I can't come home for the whole week, the plant is very busy and I need to be here to assist the new employees, I'll just come home on Friday evening for the bachelor party with the boys". before she could say anything, had had to put the phone down.
.....Friday evening he still was nowhere to be found, hes phone was off. Now she was starting to worry about and wondered if the rumors were true, but then whenever the thoughts came to her she pushed them away because he had been so true to her for a long time, he wouldn't do anything to hurt her like this. she went to bed leaving the door unlocked in case he came home from the party with the boys. 03:00am she received a text "sorry baby my colleagues took me out for dinner to celebrate my wedding, I will be there very early in the morning, get my suit ready".
She got some kind of relief but the worry did not go away. no one knew what was going on, she kept telling everyone "everything is fine" 05:00am she gets a call from the local police "are you Ms Jenner?" with a heavy voice she replied "yes I am, Its my wedding today I don't want any bad news, whats wrong?" the police" "I'm afraid I have some bad news, your boyfriend was found dead in his bed from overdose. He left a letter for you". "could you give us your address to bring the letter? ...mam?...Ms Jenner are you there?" Young Ms Jenner's heart had stopped beating when she heard the news. her body slowly slid down the wall from where she was standing...She never got to walk down the isle!