Thursday 8 November 2012

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time

Literally there is no way one can chase two rabbits at the same time but figuratively yes you can. Its about being able to focus on two different tasks or things at the same time. for one to able to do that you'd have to be very disciplined. you must be hard working and dedicated. I have always hand my hands in two projects. I worked right after I graduated high school and I was enrolled for my diploma at the same time. I needed to make that money from my job and I also needed to be in school working towards my qualification. to me that is a good example of chasing two rabbits at the same time.

I am also a living proof that working hard does get you what you want be cause with my part job money I made I maintained myself and at the same time I learnt to be disciplined and to take care of myself. I had to learnt all these things when I was you and I think that might have been the best thing to do to get me where I am today.

so I identify what you wanna chase at and chase it.

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when you only have no idea

This statement is talking to me right now because I have no idea what its about or what to write about. 

I do know that its always important especially when you  are in the working industry to always have back up for everything. Imagine a presentation to senior management that you have to to and on the morning of the presentation you find that everything you had prepare is gone, corrupted, missing or lost. The first thing people normally do is panic, freak out and ruin things for themselves. the best thing to do in situations like that is being calm, breathing properly and moving on to plan be. 

This statement is in support of always having a back up plan in life to avoid stressful situations. Having a back up plan means having something to fall back on when the original idea falls off, but then again we must understand that in life we cannot back up everything, for example a job, there is no way one can back up a job, the only way is to be responsible and hard working to keep you job and relationships as well there is no backing up a relationship. When I first read this statement I thought about the exciting ability of having a back up husband or boy friend whenever the original or desired on falls off but that impossible. the only form of back up in this regard is family, people that you know will always be with you or there for you......... if they are not dead

Protecting girlhood? Virginity revivals in the era of AIDS_the ugly

In areas where virginity testing has become common doctors are reporting an increase in physical traumas associated with anal sex. Young people are now resorting to anal sex because of the fear they have of failing the testing.  They then resort to anal sex as an alternative to virginal penetration thus putting them at an increased risk of acquiring HIV.

The bad
The South African Human right and gender commission members said that the fact that girls have lie down and open their legs for someone to inspect them is a total discrimination of rights of privacy and integrity, and having their results being publicly disclosed is a violation of human rights.
The article also states that these tests use fear as their weapon as girls will be scared should they fail the testing as their peers will call them rotten potatoes. The KwaZulu  Natal health department also is concerned  for the girl’s health as their testers proceed from one girl to the other without proper cleaning and disinfectants.

Protecting girlhood? Virginity revivals in the era of AIDS _The good

The good

The girls who were interviewed about how they felt about being tested for their virginity said that they had no problems about being tested and that the testing helped them stay clean, as they feared contracting HOV and falling pregnant.  Some virginity testers even said that the testing plays a huge role in identifying cases of child abuse and rape as they have become experienced in identifying the symptoms. 

Protecting girlhood? Virginity revivals in the era of AIDS (part 1)

I will be informing you about  the impact of controlling female sexuality in the context of AIDS pandemic. Since the mid 90s virginity testing has grown significantly in South Africa.
After the 1994 elections HIV started showing its existence and visibility especially in the Kwazulu Natal areas. South Africa though does not practice virginity testing as much as other countries do in the African continent e.g. I Uganda girls are encouraged to take part in the virginity testing by being awarded when they pass virginity testing. It is often taken very seriously in some African countries.
There was a program years ago in central Durban where a woman who owed businesses of more than 21 franchises had employed female virgins only. When she was interviewed the business owner who is also Zulu said that she does not believe that she is crossing any lines or being discriminating or unconstitutional to anyone, instead she is helping the government reduce the increasing rate of HIV/AIDS and teenage pregnancy.
Furthermore in Zimbabwe the article states that some Shona chiefs use virginity testing as a means of generating income as most families who take part in this process are expected to pay about R5 to have their girls tested and to have them publicly declared as clean should they pass the testing.  Should it happen that the girl fails to test positive the father will be charged and will be expected to pay the chief.  These payments are usually in a form of livestock like goats and sheep.

Protecting girlhood? Virginity revivals in the era of AIDS (part 1)

I will be informing you about  the impact of controlling female sexuality in the context of AIDS pandemic. Since the mid 90s virginity testing has grown significantly in South Africa.
After the 1994 elections HIV started showing its existence and visibility especially in the Kwazulu Natal areas. South Africa though does not practice virginity testing as much as other countries do in the African continent e.g. I Uganda girls are encouraged to take part in the virginity testing by being awarded when they pass virginity testing. It is often taken very seriously in some African countries.
There was a program years ago in central Durban where a woman who owed businesses of more than 21 franchises had employed female virgins only. When she was interviewed the business owner who is also Zulu said that she does not believe that she is crossing any lines or being discriminating or unconstitutional to anyone, instead she is helping the government reduce the increasing rate of HIV/AIDS and teenage pregnancy.
Furthermore in Zimbabwe the article states that some Shona chiefs use virginity testing as a means of generating income as most families who take part in this process are expected to pay about R5 to have their girls tested and to have them publicly declared as clean should they pass the testing.  Should it happen that the girl fails to test positive the father will be charged and will be expected to pay the chief.  These payments are usually in a form of livestock like goats and sheep.