Wednesday 15 August 2012

if you could go back what would you change

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Not that I do not appreciate the present and my blessings but I sometimes find myself wishing I could turn the hands of time and go back before the apartheid times. I wish I could get a change the way people look at each other.

 I wish I could go back and change how the color of one’s skin became a problem.  Reverse the pain and sorrow humanity endured for being born in their skin colors. I wish I could go back and change all the ugly memories of the apartheid and inequality era.

 I would like to go back and change the trauma of complexion a lot of people have experienced. I would erase it all. I would erase how women are judged based on their gender.

 All I wish for is to go back and change what the older generation did wrong the present would not be this blurry for me and the next person like. 

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